26 June 2013 by

“The World’s End” – Free Screening at The Alamo Drafthouse Richardson

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Alamo Drafthouse Richardson

On 25 July, The Alamo Drafthouse Richardson will be holding a free screening of “The World’s End”, which will also  include  “Shaun of the Dead” and “Hot Fuzz” outdoors on a 40-foot Rolling Roadshow screen, and a Q&A with Edgar Wright, Nick Frost, and Simon Pegg!

“The indoor screening has a limited seating capacity. Passes for which will be required and are to be distributed online in the coming weeks. Stay tuned to Alamo Drafthouse DFW’s Facebook and Twitter for information on getting passes. “

25 July at 7pm
100 S. Central Expressway #14
Richardson, Texas 75080

August Carrigan - Webmaster of Peggster since 2004

3 Responses to “The World’s End” – Free Screening at The Alamo Drafthouse Richardson

  1. Rachel

    Huh?! Free? Wow. And a month before the film’s out.
    London is crying! Was hoping for something like that here (tho not free obv!)

  2. Gareth

    I wish I could get up to Dallas for this… or that this could happen in San Antonio. Good luck to all involved.

  3. Toni Loving

    I have been waiting eagerly for this movie. Watching the posts. Checking out the pics. This is going to be the bomb!!! Pegg/Wright/Frost together again!!! WhooHoo!!!!!!