3 May 2015 by

Watch The Trailer “Absolutely Anything” on MTV’s Snapchat

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lionsgate_snapchat_facebookAll you need to do is…

1) Download Snapchat

2) Head to the Stories section, tap on the purple dot and then you’re into Snapchat Discover!

3) Then it’s just a case of clicking the MTV logo. TA DA – instant world exclusive comedy trailer for you to watch.

We’ll be dropping the trailer from ***12pm Saturday 2nd May***, so make sure you check out our Snapchat Discover for LOLs guaranteed.

The movie stars Simon Pegg as a school teacher who’s granted the power to do, well, Absolutely Anything by some very mad aliens (voiced, amazingly, by the Monty Python gang). Throw in a chatty dog sidekick (voiced by Robin Williams in his last ever role), a brilliant supporting cast including Kate Beckinsale, Eddie Izzard and more, and you’ve got a recipe for comedy gold.

Absolutely Anything hits UK cinemas 14th August, but obvs you can watch the trailer from 12pm Saturday 2nd May on our Snapchat Discover.”

Source: mtv.co.uk

August Carrigan - Webmaster of Peggster since 2004

One Response to Watch The Trailer “Absolutely Anything” on MTV’s Snapchat

  1. CatheB

    ya quiero ver la peli!! Can’t wait to see it!! I love you Simon Pegg!!!! (I’ll never get tired of saying that ^^,)