14 May 2015 by

Alzheimer’s Research UK’s celebrity hat auction

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Simon has signed and donated his cap to Alzheimer’s Research UK’s celebrity hat auction. They’re a UK charity powering research to defeat dementia, but the auction is global! Please bid generously and Simon’s cap could be yours.​


Simon Pegg

Twitter @ARUKnews
Facebook /alzheimersresearchuk

August Carrigan - Webmaster of Peggster since 2004

One Response to Alzheimer’s Research UK’s celebrity hat auction

  1. josh blann

    A very thoughtful essay. I wasn’t really into comics/fantasy when I was a kid, and so when my students (college students at that) know far more about the mythology of superheroes, I start to notice the gray hairs in my beard. But it really makes me feel old when I tell them, “Have fun storming’ the castle,” and I get crickets. Thanks for sharing. I know a lot of these folks look up to you, and I hope they take the time to read your piece.